Today’s Sermon Notes
Wise Living in a Wild World – Warnings from Proverbs for Christian Living
Roadblocks to our Spiritual Lives: Intentional Ignorance, Foolish Friendships, Lifeless/Lethargic Living. Worthless Words, Godless Goals, Sexual Seduction, Faults and Failures
Warning 4: Lifeless, Slothful Living
– The whole world is busy. We are all busy. You are busy. I have met very few people who did not think that their life was at least a little busy. Because of this, very few of us consider ourselves to be lazy. However, the Bible, in particular Proverbs, talks a lot about laziness. It is most often called “sloth”.
– “I’m way to busy, there is no way I’m lazy.” Maybe a good question to help us see ourselves clearly would be, “Is my busyness leading to lifelessness?”
As Christians, let’s ask ourselves:
Am I spiritually productive? Do I do things that matter?
Do I understand my most important roles in this world? Am I focused on them?
Am I aware of how I spend time and the brevity of life?
Proverbs will call us to consider these as well. “Sloth” is not simply laziness. The words used for slothful in Proverbs mean “sluggish, to sink down, to relax, to loosen, hang limp.” Slothfulness can be found in our lives as laziness, idleness, inactivity, distraction, pointless amusement, misdirected priorities, or apathy.
1. God’s View of Lifeless Living – Proverbs 18:9, Matthew 25:14-30
– God compares slothful / purposeless living to wasting.
– Jesus’ parable of the talents teaches that a person who is not fruitful for His kingdom will one day receive rebuke for wasted opportunity (even if the reason is laziness, distraction, or fear). God has expectations for each of us to mentally, physically, and spiritually focus.
2. Consequences of Lifeless Living –
a. Harm to self – 10:4-5, 13:4, 15:19, 19:15
b. Harm to others – 10:26, 18:9
c. Barrenness – Life produces nothing lasting or meaningful. – 24:30-34, John 15:1-6,
Matthew 13:22 – The fruit of the Spirit choked and stifled by spiritual slothfulness.
Matthew 13:22 – The fruit of the Spirit choked and stifled by spiritual slothfulness.
3. Signs of Lifeless Living –
a. Selfishness and greed – 21:25-26 – Entitlement often comes from pride.
b. Trouble starting – 24:30-34, 14:23, Ecclesiastes 5:3
Scottish Baptist Preacher, Alexader MacLaren – “No unwelcome tasks become any the less unwelcome by putting them off till tomorrow. It is only when they are behind us and done, that we begin to find that there is a sweetness to be tasted afterwards, and that the remembrance of unwelcome duties unhesitatingly done is welcome and pleasant. (The Conquering Christ and Other Sermons, p.143 – 1891)
c. Trouble finishing – 12:27, 20:4, 19:24/26:15
– Sometimes we back off when we don’t see results or face adversity. Spiritual results aren’t always seen.
d. Idolizing leisure, pleasure, and comfort – 21:17, 21:20, 1 Timothy 5:6
What leisures do our societies idolize? What comforts / pleasures do we assume are rights or necessities? Sometimes we spend much time and effort on things that are not necessary? Trust Holy Ghost discernment to reveal and challenge these.
e. Prone to excuses –
– Weather 20:4 – Unfounded fear 22:13, 26:13 – Influence of Others 12:11
f. Undisciplined without self-control – 6:9-11, 19:15, 20:13, 26:14 – 23:2, 20-21
g. Restless, uncontrolled desires – 13:4, 21:25
h. Pride / Being wise in your own eyes – 26:16
4. A Cure for Lifeless Living –
– Jesus redeems us from sin, all sin! Jesus sanctifies life, every area of life! As we are conformed to the image of God’s dear son, this area of our lives will change the right way for the right reason.
a. Pursue spiritual growth and fruit above other things in life. Do what matters. – 21:21
b. Understand your role and give God His rightful place. – 3:5-6
A daily walk with God will guide every other step in life. Like any sin, we are more prone to problem when we are away from Him.
c. Consider the brevity of life and don’t delay the change or action needed. – 27:1
Derek Kidner: “The wise man will learn while there is time. He knows that the sluggard is no freak, but as often as not, an ordinary man who has made too many excuses, too many refusals, and too many postponements. It has all been as imperceptible, and as pleasant, as falling asleep.” – Proverbs (1964), pp. 42–43.
– Don’t let busyness distract you from the sin of sloth and lifeless living.